Welcome Home International

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Impro's4me is a training mobility to be held in Austria for the language tutors of Welcome Home International. The project expresses the needs of volunteer language tutors and the requirements of our refugee learners. This improves the quality and effectiveness of the vital education we provide, which directly affects the quality improvement of the free services we offer. Those involved in the European mobility will seek to improve the profile of volunteer language tutors throughout Welcome Home International by exchanging experiences and learning new teaching methods. In this way, our language projects can present innovative solutions that positively and sustain the quality of our services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Welcome Home International has a European dimension through the project. Our volunteer language tutors and adult students will be part of the big European community. Implementation of the project will create an openness to other cultures to improve language tutors and adult learners and teaching methods and tools. We want to enhance the reputation of our language learning activities through the quality of our work. Since the learners' performance certainly depends on the language tutors competencies, we think that further education of language tutors in methodological skills is necessary and leads to better learning outcomes for migrant and refugee learners. Language is subject to permanent development and is also subject to the temporal influences of migration and other factors. For this reason, language tutors need to adapt their teaching to these changes. In addition, additional factors such as changing methods due to technological advances. ICT technologies can be helpful in the classroom, but they need the vital interest of the language teacher. The acquisition of such skills in dealing with ICT (digital tools, apps, smartphones, tablets, etc.) greatly increases language tutors' gifts.

Read more and even apply to participate on the project website here