The Human Race is a Singular Noun
My experience in this area of work with refugees and migrants has taught me so much. When I feel deflated I remember how so many refugees I have met have had so much more on their shoulders, and have overcome their obstacles to succeed in their lives. Life throws curve balls and sometimes all we can do is survive. Those hardships sometimes pass like a rough wave from the sea and we are left shaken but able to drag ourselves up and try again, and again. Our hardships make us who we are more than our good times. The good times are who we have become through hardship. However the struggle defines our character. Perhaps that is why I am so drawn to working with migrants, refugees and even the volunteers that wish to contribute their valuable time and effort. All have such strong and defined characters. All have had hardship and are now catching their breath to try again. They are stronger than those who have had the privilege of suffering little and rarely. The work I do I find inspirational to me as a human. I can overcome my obstacles as they have. I can be strong as they are. We are human. We are one human race and we are powerful survivors.