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The main objective of the LTTA is to provide a synergistic environment for presenting our expertise

and capacities using learning by doing approach. The participants will take part in several different

kinds of activities that will complement each other, providing optimal conditions for sharing and/or

learning the particular methodological approach. Each partner will lead a workshop demonstrating

the approaches they use and want to share.

As the partnership is rather big and there will be 30 participants to the LTTA, a very precise time-

management will be necessary. The LTTA will last 3 working days. The program will be short, but

focused on the topic and the time-scale of the event will be prepared in advance.

The event will consist of the following activities:

1 - presentation of the main problem areas in language teaching and training, hot topics (results of

A1 and A2) - each partner will present 1-2 pre-selected methods including the problem areas to

focus at;

2 - practical workshop: presentation/rehearsal of the selected teaching approaches - group work;

3 - evaluation (SWOT analysis) of the combinations of A1 and A2 - each partner will evaluate the

method from their point of view of their expertise, considering their own target groups, condition etc.;

4 - swap: selection of approaches to be tried under different conditions (in different partner

organization) - the way the approaches will be selected will be decided upon - either random "pull

form the hat", or redistribution following certain rule.

Day 1 of the LTTA will be dedicated to activity 1.

Day 2 and 3 will combine activities 2, 3 and 4 - the number of workshops will be divided between the

two days, after each practical workshop the approach will be evaluated by each partner. During the

two days, all partners will think of adopting 1-2 approaches from another partners, that will be tried in

their organization under their own conditions. In the end of day 3 each partner will reveal which new

approach(es) they will attempt to adopt. In case we will decide to redistribute the approaches by the

"pull from the hat", this will happen in the very end of the Day 3.

The aim of these workshops will be:

- to learn about new possibilities in the language teaching to adults;

- to train the selected methods in the group;

- to learn by doing;

- to provide a feedback on the workshops, the content as well as the process;

- to provide the recommendations usable by the final result - the kit.

Profile of the participants:

The participants to the LTT activity will be the language teachers/trainers for adult learners from the

partner organizations.

For this event, all expenses are paid including flights accommodation and meals. Welcome Home International can send 6 attendees including me and Stephanie, leaving 4 spots left. These will be selected both by interest availability and dedication to volunteering with Welcome Home International. We will be looking for a diverse range of backgrounds in language and culture.

Earlier Event: 2 April
Later Event: 25 April
LANGO Transnational Meeting Greece